A dateplus C program is also available.

                             #!/usr/bin/nawk -f
                             # SccsId[] = "@(#)dateplus.awk 2.8 03/19/10"
                             #                            dateplus.awk                              #
                             # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #   Copyright (c) 1995-2010 by Bob Orlando.  All rights reserved.      #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #   Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software       #
                             #   and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby    #
                             #   granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all    #
                             #   copies, and that both the copyright notice and this permission     #
                             #   notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of    #
                             #   Bob Orlando not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining     #
                             #   to distribution of the software without specific, written prior    #
                             #   permission.  Bob Orlando makes no representations about the        #
                             #   suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided      #
                             #   "as is" without express or implied warranty.                       #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #   BOB ORLANDO DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS           #
                             #   AND FITNESS.  IN NO EVENT SHALL BOB ORLANDO BE LIABLE FOR ANY      #
                             #   SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES          #
                             #   THIS SOFTWARE.                                                     #
                             #                                                                      #

                             #   This program is the Awk equivalent of my C program, dateplus.c.    #
                             #   However, this program still supported/maintained as part of my     #
                             #   shell library for those sites which restrict C-compiler access.    #
                             # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                             #   Program documentation and notes located at the bottom of script.   #
                             BEGIN \
                               progname = "dateplus.awk"
                               # If user supplies no args (ARGC == 1), then show usage and  #
                               # exit.  Else, continue and see if they gave us options.     #
                               if (ARGC == 1) # Zero-based numbering drives me nuts!

                               # Set up the following arrays.                               #
                               split("0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365", julian_days)
                               split("0 31 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 366", julian_leap)

                               adj   = 0
                               opt_v = 0

                               # If last arg looks like a valid date, parse, validate, and  #
                               # use it, else, use the current yyyymmdd.                    #
                               if (ARGV[ARGC-1] ~ /^[0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]$/)
                                 yyyy = substr(ARGV[ARGC-1],1,4)
                                 mm   = substr(ARGV[ARGC-1],5,2)
                                 dd   = substr(ARGV[ARGC-1],7,2)
                                 # Calling date with "+\%Y\%m\%d" (with escaped percent  #
                                 # signs) avoids hassles with SCCS and percentYpercent.  #
                                 "date +\%Y\%m\%d" | getline yyyymmdd
                                 yyyy = substr(yyyymmdd,1,4)
                                 mm   = substr(yyyymmdd,5,2)
                                 dd   = substr(yyyymmdd,7,2)

                               # Verbose (development) output wanted?                       #
                               for (n=1; n<ARGC; n++)
                                 if (ARGV[n] == "-v") # Verbose option
                                   opt_v = 1
                                   ARGV[n] = ""

                               if (opt_v) print "Using "yyyy""mm""dd

                               # Validate and process remaining options.                    #
                               if      (ARGV[1] == "-y")       # -y = Yesterday's date
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-t")       # -t = Tomorrow's date
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-b")       # -b = Basedate for today|yyyymmdd
                               else if (ARGV[1] ~ /^-[Ww]$/)   # -[Ww] = Weekday for today|yyyymmdd
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-S")       # -S = Days since yyyymmdd (unsigned)
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-s")       # -s = Days since yyyymmdd
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-u")       # -u = Days since Unix epoch date
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-j")       # -j = Julian date
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-H")       # -H = Full documentation
                               else if (ARGV[1] == "-h")       # -h = Summary help (Usage)
                               else if (ARGV[1] ~ /^-[0-9]+$/) # Negative adjustment value
                                 adj =  ARGV[1]
                               else if (ARGV[1] ~ /^-/ && ARGV[1] !~ /^-[0-9]+$/) # Oops
                                 exit_usage("Invalid "progname" option, '"ARGV[1]"'.")

                               # Options (and negative adj days) look good; skip past'em.   #
                               if (ARGV[1] ~ /^-[bhstuwy]$/ || ARGV[1] ~ /^-[0-9]+$/)

                               # Positive (or unsigned) integer for adj days next?          #
                               if (ARGV[1] ~ /^\+?[0-9]+$/ && adj == 0)
                                 adj = ARGV[1]

                               # OK, do it the long way--see if I care :-))                 #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "calculate_date("yyyy","mm","dd","adj")"
                                        calculate_date( yyyy , mm , dd , adj )
                               exit 0
                             } # E.O.BEGIN

                             #                     U S E R    F U N C T I O N S                     #
                             #                        (in alphabetical order)                       #
                             function basedate(                                               \
                                                YYYY,MM,DD,OPT_B,                             \
                                                yyyy,cc,ddddd,leapdays,cc_leapdays,accum_days \
                                              )                                                     #
                             # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                             # Globals: julian_days[] and julian_leap[]                             #
                             #   Calls: leap_year()                                                 #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "basedate(YYYY,MM,DD,OPT_B)"
                                 print "basedate("YYYY","MM","DD","OPT_B")"
                               # First, decrement the year and get the number of days   #
                               # for all the years preceeding it (Anno Domini).         #
                               yyyy = YYYY
                               if ((yyyy - 1) > 0)
                               {                                                   ;if (opt_v) print "   YYYY       =|"YYYY       "|"
                                 yyyy--                                            ;if (opt_v) print "   yyyy       =|"yyyy       "|"
                                 cc          = int(yyyy / 100)                     ;if (opt_v) print "   cc         =|"cc         "|"
                                 ddddd       = yyyy * 365                          ;if (opt_v) print "   ddddd      =|"ddddd      "|"
                                 leapdays    = int(yyyy / 4)                       ;if (opt_v) print "   leapdays   =|"leapdays   "|"
                                 cc_leapdays = (cc > 0) ? (int(cc / 4)) : 0        ;if (opt_v) print "   cc_leapdays=|"cc_leapdays"|"
                                 ddddd       = ddddd + leapdays - cc + cc_leapdays ;if (opt_v) print "   ddddd      =|"ddddd      "|"
                                 yyyy++                                            ;if (opt_v) print "   yyyy       =|"yyyy       "|"
                               ddddd += DD                                         ;if (opt_v) print "   ddddd      =|"ddddd      "|"

                               # Add the previous month YTD days to our ddddd.  If it    #
                               # is a leap year, assign julian_leap[] to accum_days[].   #
                               # Then add in YTD days for previous months of this year   #
                               if (leap_year(yyyy))
                                 for (i=0; i<13; i++) accum_days[i] = julian_leap[i]
                                 for (i=0; i<13; i++) accum_days[i] = julian_days[i]
                               ddddd += accum_days[MM += 0] # 'MM += 0' removes leading zero

                               if (OPT_B) # If all they want is basedate, print it and exit.
                                 print ddddd
                                 exit 0

                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "==> return ("ddddd")"
                                            return ( ddddd )
                             } # function basedate
                             function calc_weekday(YYYY,MM,DD,                    ddddd,weekdays,i) #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "calculate_weekday(YYYY,MM,DD)"
                                 print "calculate_weekday("YYYY","MM","DD")"

                               if (ARGV[1] == "-w") # -[Ww] = Weekday for today|yyyymmdd
                                 split("Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat", weekdays)
                                 split("Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday", weekdays)

                               ddddd = (basedate(YYYY,MM,DD) % 7)
                               print weekdays[ddddd+1]
                               exit ddddd # ddddd = day number [0-6]
                               # http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/calendar26.txt                 #
                               # In day of the week calculations, the divisions are integer       #
                               # divisions, in which remainders are discarded.                    #
                               # a = (14 - month) / 12                                            #
                               # y = year - a                                                     #
                               # m = month + 12*a - 2                                             #
                               # Julian d = (5 + day + y + y/4 + (31*m)/12) mod 7                 #
                               # Gregorian d = (day + y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 + (31*m)/12) mod 7  #
                             } # function calc_weekday
                             function calculate_date(YYYY,MM,DD,ADJ,                  i,month_days) #
                             # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                             # Calls: leap_year(), ddddd_to_yyyymmdd(), and basedate()              #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "calculate_date(YYYY,MM,DD,ADJ)"
                                 print "calculate_date("YYYY","MM","DD","ADJ")"

                               split("31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31", month_days)
                               if (leap_year(YYYY) && mm == 2) month_days[2] = 29
                               if (ADJ < 0 && ADJ > (DD * -1))                       # Shortcut -n
                                 if (opt_v)
                                   print "printf(\"%4d%02d%02d\n\","YYYY","MM",("DD" + "ADJ"))"
                                          printf( "%4d%02d%02d\n" , YYYY , MM ,( DD  +  ADJ ))
                               else if (ADJ > 0 && ((DD + ADJ) <= month_days[MM+0])) # Shortcut +n
                                 if (opt_v)
                                   print "printf(\"%4d%02d%02d\n\","YYYY","MM",("DD" + "ADJ"))"
                                          printf( "%4d%02d%02d\n" , YYYY , MM ,( DD  +  ADJ ))
                               else                                                  # Long way
                                 if (opt_v)
                                   print "ddddd_to_yyyymmdd(basedate("YYYY","MM","DD") + "ADJ")"
                                   print  ddddd_to_yyyymmdd(basedate( YYYY , MM , DD ) +  ADJ )
                               exit 0
                             } # function calculate_date
                             function days_since(                                      \
                                                  YYYY,MM,DD,OPT,                      \
                                                  yyyymmdd,mm,dd,yyyy,ddddd,ddddd_yyyy \
                                                ) # Global variables: progname                      #
                               ddddd = basedate(YYYY,MM,DD)
                               if (OPT != "u")
                                 ddddd_yyyy = ddddd
                                "date +\%Y\%m\%d" | getline yyyymmdd # Today's date
                                 yyyy = substr(yyyymmdd,1,4)
                                 mm   = substr(yyyymmdd,5,2)
                                 dd   = substr(yyyymmdd,7,2)

                                 ddddd = basedate(yyyy,mm,dd)
                                 ddddd -= ddddd_yyyy
                                 if (OPT == "S" && ddddd < 0) ddddd = ddddd - ddddd - ddddd
                                 if (YYYY >= 1970)
                                   ddddd_yyyy = basedate(1970,01,01)
                                   ddddd -= ddddd_yyyy
                                   printf("This is a trick question, right?  ")         |"cat 1>&2"
                                   printf("You requested the number of days since\n")   |"cat 1>&2"
                                   printf("Jan. 1, 1970, (-u option) but you provided ")|"cat 1>&2"
                                   printf("a date that is older than that.\n")          |"cat 1>&2"
                                   printf("%s terminated.\n", progname)                 |"cat 1>&2"
                                   exit 6

                               print ddddd
                               exit 0
                             } # function days_since
                             function ddddd_to_yyyymmdd(DDDDD,                   ddddd,yyyy,mmdd,i) #
                             # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
                             # Globals: julian_days[] and julian_leap[]                             #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "ddddd_to_yyyymmdd(DDDDD)"
                                 print "ddddd_to_yyyymmdd("DDDDD")"

                               yyyy = ddddd = reduce(DDDDD)
                               if (opt_v) print "yyyy = ddddd = "ddddd
                               sub(/-.*$/,"", yyyy); yyyy  += 0 # "+= 0" ensures numeric context
                               sub(/^.*-/,"",ddddd); ddddd += 0
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "yyyy  = |"yyyy"|"
                                 print "ddddd = |"ddddd"|"

                               if (leap_year(yyyy))
                                 for (i in julian_leap)
                                   julian[i] = julian_leap[i]
                                 for (i in julian_days)
                                   julian[i] = julian_days[i]

                               # Reduce ddddd to month and day (we already have the year).  #
                               for (i=13; i>0; i--)
                                 if (opt_v)
                                   print "if (julian["i"] < "ddddd")"
                                   print "if ("julian[i]" < "ddddd")"
                                 if (julian[i] < ddddd)
                                 # if (leap_year(yyyy) && i > 2) ddddd++ # 20080406.164435
                                   ddddd -= julian[i]
                                   mmdd = sprintf("%02d%02d", i, ddddd)

                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "return (yyyy\"\"mmdd)"
                                 print "return ("yyyy""mmdd")"
                                        return ( yyyy""mmdd )
                             } # function ddddd_to_yyyymmdd
                             function exit_usage(ERRMSG) # Global vars: progname                    #
                               if (ERRMSG != "") print "\n"ERRMSG | "cat 1>&2"
                               print "\nUsage: [gn]awk -f "progname" -- -bHhjSstuvWwy -|+adj yyyymmdd.\n",
                                     "\n       -- = Allows AWK to pass script options and args."    ,
                                     "\n       -b = Basedate for today or yyyymmdd."                ,
                                     "\n       -H = Full formal documentation (functions only"      ,
                                     "\n            when the current working directory is the"      ,
                                     "\n            program directory)."                            ,
                                     "\n       -h = Summary help (Usage)."                          ,
                                     "\n       -j = Julian day for today or yyyymmdd."              ,
                                     "\n       -S = Days since (or until) yyyymmdd (unsigned both).",
                                     "\n       -s = Days since (or until) yyyymmdd (signed future).",
                                     "\n       -t = Tomorrow's date."                               ,
                                     "\n       -u = Basedate of today|yyyymmdd since"               ,
                                     "\n            Jan. 1, 1970--the Unix epoch date"              ,
                                     "\n            (essentially 'dateplus -s 19700101')."          ,
                                     "\n       -v = Verbose output (primarily for development)."    ,
                                     "\n       -W = Date's long weekday"                            ,
                                     "\n       -w = Date's abbreviated weekday"                     ,
                                     "\n       -y = Yesterday's date.\n"                            ,
                                     "\n      adj = Adjustment days that may be positive or"        ,
                                     "\n            negative (prefix sign annotation only)."        ,
                                     "\n            By itself (with no yyyymmdd date following,"    ,
                                     "\n            yields an adjusted date that is calculated"     ,
                                     "\n            from today's date.\n"                           ,
                                     "\n yyyymmdd = Optional date from which the adjusted date"     ,
                                     "\n            is calculated.\n"                               ,
                                     "\n            "progname" terminated.\n"
                               exit 7
                             } # function exit_usage
                             function julian_date(YYYY,MM,DD,   ddd) # Global vars: progname        #
                               ddd = reduce(basedate(YYYY,MM,DD))
                               printf("%03d\n", ddd)

                               exit 0
                             } # function julian_date
                             function leap_year(YYYY) # YYYY = year.  Returns true|false (1|0).     #
                               return (((YYYY%4 == 0 && YYYY%100 != 0) || (YYYY%400 == 0)) ? 1 : 0)
                             } # function leap_year
                             function reduce(DDDDD,           yyyy,ddddd,cc,leapdays,cc_leapdays,i) #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "reduce(DDDDD)"
                                 print "reduce("DDDDD")"

                               for (i=1; ; i++)
                               {                                            ;if (opt_v) print i". DDDDD      =|"DDDDD      "|"
                                 yyyy        = int(DDDDD / 365) - i         ;if (opt_v) print i". yyyy       =|"yyyy       "|"
                                 ddddd       = DDDDD - yyyy * 365           ;if (opt_v) print i". ddddd      =|"ddddd      "|"
                                 cc          = int(yyyy / 100)              ;if (opt_v) print i". cc         =|"cc         "|"
                                 leapdays    = int(yyyy / 4)                ;if (opt_v) print i". leapdays   =|"leapdays   "|"
                                 cc_leapdays = (cc > 0) ? (int(cc / 4)) : 0 ;if (opt_v) print i". cc_leapdays=|"cc_leapdays"|"
                                 leapdays    = leapdays - cc + cc_leapdays  ;if (opt_v) print i". leapdays   =|"leapdays   "|"
                                 ddddd      -= leapdays                     ;if (opt_v) print i". ddddd      =|"ddddd      "|"
                                 yyyy++                                     ;if (opt_v) print i". yyyy       =|"yyyy       "|"
                                 if (ddddd > 0) break
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "return "yyyy"-"ddddd
                                        return  yyyy"-"ddddd
                             } # function reduce
                             function shift_ARGV(i,j,k)                                             #
                               k = ARGC
                               for (i=1; i<=ARGC; i++)
                                 if (ARGV[i] == "")     # If the argument is empty, see is we
                                 {                      # can shift the next one down to it.
                                   for (j=i+1; j<=k; j++)
                                     if (ARGV[j] == "") # If the next one is empty, try the one
                                       continue         # following that.
                                     ARGV[i] = ARGV[j]  # Once we find an argument, move it down,
                                     ARGV[j] = ""       # null where it was, decrement arg counter,
                                     break              # then do this with the next argument.

                               for (i=1; i<k; i++)      # Adjust ARGC
                                 if (ARGV[i] == "")     # If the argument is empty,
                                   ARGC--               # decrement ARGC
                               return ARGC
                             } # function shift_ARGV
                             function show_documentation(MOI,                               n,line) #
                               n = 0
                               while (getline <MOI > 0) # Searching ourselves for the doc'n section.
                                 # Until we find the documentation section, #
                                 # keep looking at each line.               #
                                 if (n == 0)
                                   if ($0 ~ /^\043 +D O C U M E N T A T I O N/)
                                     n = 1
                                     print line
                                     print $0
                                     line = $0

                                 }    #-----------------------------------#
                                 else # Once we find it, print until EOF. #
                                 {    #-----------------------------------#
                               } # while (getline <MOI > 0)

                               if (n == 0) # Means we did not find documentation section.
                                 print "NO DOCUMENTATION section found for "MOI" in the",
                                       "current directory (cwd).\nTry again after first",
                                       "changing to the program directory." | "cat 1>&2"
                                 exit 10 # Exit failure
                               exit 11 # Exit failure anyway because we don'y live for this.
                             } # function show_documentation
                             function validate_yyyymmdd(                                \
                                                         YYYY,MM,DD,                    \
                                                         yyyy,mm,dd,mm_days,month_names \
                                                       ) # Calls: leap_year()                       #
                               if (opt_v)
                                 print "validate_yyyymmdd(YYYY,MM,DD)"
                                 print "validate_yyyymmdd("YYYY","MM","DD")"

                               yyyy = YYYY
                               mm   = MM
                               dd   = DD
                               dd  += 0
                               mm  += 0

                               split("January  February March "     \
                                     "April    May      June "      \
                                     "July     August   September " \
                                     "October  November December",  month_names)

                               if (mm==1||mm==3||mm==5||mm==7||mm==8||mm==10||mm==12)
                               else if (mm==4||mm==6||mm==9||mm==11)
                               else if (mm==2)
                                 mm_days = (leap_year(yyyy)) ? 29 : 28
                                 print "Month "MM" is invalid!\n" | "cat 1>&2"
                                 exit 8
                               if (dd > mm_days)
                                 print month_names[mm]", "yyyy,
                                   " does not have "dd" days!\n" | "cat 1>&2"
                                 exit 9
                               if (dd < 1)
                                 print DD " is an invalid day for any month!\n" | "cat 1>&2"
                                 exit 10
                               return 0
                             } # function validate_yyyymmdd

                             #                       D O C U M E N T A T I O N                      #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #      Author: Bob Orlando (Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com)                     #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #        Date: July 2, 1995                                            #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #  Program ID: dateplus.awk                                            #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #       Usage: [gn]awk -f dateplus.awk -- -bHhjSstuvWwy \              #
                             #                                         -|+adj yyyymmdd              #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #          nawk|gawk = Program runs with either. (See "Usage Note:"    #
                             #                      below for "#!" operation.)                      #
                             #                 -- = Allows AWK to pass script options and args.     #
                             #                 -b = Basedate for today or yyyymmdd.                 #
                             #                 -H = Full formal documentation (functions only       #
                             #                      when the current working directory is the       #
                             #                      program directory).                             #
                             #                 -h = Summary help (Usage).                           #
                             #                 -j = Julian day for today or yyyymmdd.               #
                             #                 -S = Days since (or until) yyyymmdd (unsigned both). #
                             #                 -s = Days since (or until) yyyymmdd (signed future). #
                             #                 -t = Tomorrow's date.                                #
                             #                 -u = Basedate of today|yyyymmdd since                #
                             #                      Jan. 1, 1970--the Unix epoch date               #
                             #                      (essentially "dateplus -s 19700101").           #
                             #                 -v = Verbose output (primarily for development).     #
                             #                 -W = Date's long weekday                             #
                             #                 -w = Date's abbreviated weekday                      #
                             #                      (see 'Exit Codes' below for -W and -w)          #
                             #                 -y = Yesterday's date.                               #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #                adj = Adjustment days that may be positive or         #
                             #                      negative (prefix sign annotation only).         #
                             #                      By itself (with no yyyymmdd date following,     #
                             #                      yields an adjusted date that is calculated      #
                             #                      from today's date.                              #
                             #           yyyymmdd = Optional date from which the adjusted date      #
                             #                      is calculated.                                  #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #  Usage Note: If your OS recognizes the "#!" (shebang) syntax,        #
                             #              you can place a "#!/usr/bin/nawk -f" (or gawk)          #
                             #              at the start of this program (as I have) thereby        #
                             #              allowing you skip the "[gn]awk -f" during invocation.   #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #     Purpose: This program calculates a date or dates that is         #
                             #              nnnnn days (+ or -) distant from either today's         #
                             #              date or another user-supplied date.                     #
                             #                                                                      #
                             # Description: This program is the Awk equivalent of my C program,     #
                             #              dateplus.c.  With the exception of -J (capital "J")     #
                             #              option and the iterations argument, all of the C        #
                             #              program options are available here.  This Awk           #
                             #              version of the dateplus.c program is supported and      #
                             #              maintained as part of my shell library for those        #
                             #              sites with limited C-compiler access.                   #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #              For all practical purposes, any date the user           #
                             #              wishes to use as a yyyymmdd (from 01/01/0001            #
                             #              through 12/31/9999) is accepted.  The resultant         #
                             #              date is returned via stdout in yyyymmdd form.           #
                             #              The program is especially useful for calculating        #
                             #              yesterday's, tomorrow's, or any other desired           #
                             #              date.  Additionally, by specifying an iteration         #
                             #              value (the last argument) the program generates         #
                             #              that number of dates, each adjusted on the              #
                             #              previous date (handy for calculating paydays and        #
                             #              the like).  Because the program writes to stdout        #
                             #              its output is easily redirected to a file where         #
                             #              the results can be subsequently edited or munged        #
                             #              as needed.  The program also comes with help            #
                             #              options (-h and -H for summary and detailed             #
                             #              outputs, respectively).                                 #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #  Exit Codes: For all options except weekday (-w)                     #
                             #                 Zero    = Normal   | Success                         #
                             #                 Nonzero = Abnormal | Failure                         #
                             #              For weekday (-w) option                                 #
                             #                 0-6 = Success (zero-based weekday: Sun = 0)          #
                             #                 7+  = Failure                                        #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #     History: The Gregorian correction to the Julian calendar         #
                             #              made in October, 1582 dropped 10 days.  That            #
                             #              is, October 4, 1582 was followed immediately by         #
                             #              October 15.  This Papal correction, although            #
                             #              scientifically correct, was not adopted by              #
                             #              non-Catholic countries until almost two                 #
                             #              centuries later in 1752.  In September, 1752            #
                             #              the English calendar was adjusted to Pope               #
                             #              Gregory's method of correction and 11 days were         #
                             #              dropped (September 14, followed September 2).           #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #              While this routine easily calculates the date           #
                             #              that far back, it does not drop October 5-14,           #
                             #              1582 or September 3-13, 1752.  If this routine          #
                             #              is used to calculate dates that far back, the           #
                             #              previously adjusted and dropped dates will              #
                             #              appear as if no calendar corrections were ever          #
                             #              made.  All of this is only for technical                #
                             #              purists.  Most real-world applications will not         #
                             #              go back that far.  This program's accuracy,             #
                             #              then, is sufficient for most purposes.                  #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #       Notes: I am also no mathematician.  Neither do I consider      #
                             #              myself an AWK expert.  If, therefore, any find          #
                             #              errors in my code, logic, or computations, please       #
                             #              advise me at Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com.  Your input         #
                             #              is sincerely appreciated.  Thank you in advance.        #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #      +----------------------------------------------------------+    #
                             #      |     For modifications, see 'Modified' section in the     |    #
                             #      |     source code immediately following this statement.    |    #
                             #      +----------------------------------------------------------+    #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #    Modified: 2010-03-19 Bob Orlando                                  #
                             #                 v2.8  * Bug fix: Added code to reject day '00'       #
                             #                         supplied by user.                            #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #              2008-04-06 Bob Orlando                                  #
                             #                 v2.7  * Bug fix: Commented out the following line    #
                             #                         ddddd_to_yyyymmdd function:                  #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #                           if (leap_year(yyyy) &&  i > 2) ddddd++     #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #                         The line was adding a day if the year        #
                             #                         is a leap year and the month is after        #
                             #                         February.  This was unnecessary because I    #
                             #                         already use separate tables for leap and     #
                             #                         normal years.                                #
                             #                                                                      #
                             #              2005-02-08 Bob Orlando                                  #
                             #                 v2.6  * Bug fix: Changed                             #
                             #                           if (leap_year(yyyy) && mm > 2) ddddd++     #
                             #                         to                                           #
                             #                           if (leap_year(yyyy) && i > 2) ddddd++      #
                             #                                                                      #
Artificial  intelligence  is  no  match  for  natural  stupidity.
©Copyright Bob Orlando, 1995-2016
All rights reserved.
E-mail: Bob@OrlandoKuntao.com
Last update:  Feb. 2, 2016
by Bob Orlando
Web Site of Bob Orlando: Instructor in Kuntao-Silat (Chinese kuntao and Dutch-Indonesian pukulan pentjak silat), author of two popular martial art books: "Indonesian Fighting Fundamentals" and "Martial Arts America: A Western Approach to Eastern Arts"; and producer of four martial art videos: Fighting Arts of Indonesia, Reflex Action, Fighting Footwork of Kuntao and Silat, Fighting Forms of Kuntao-Silat. Offering practical martial arts instruction to adults living in and throughout the Denver metropolitan area including, Lakewood, Littleton, Morrison, and Golden Colorado.